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Bullying Hotline

Bullying Hotline

Bullying, hazing and harassment are everyday occurrences in the lives of thousands of students across our nations schools each day.

Bullying is pervasive and does not magically end when administrators and other school officials meet with the bullies and bullying victims.  With the number of incidents of bullying that happens in our schools, a "Bullying Hotline" has been started. The Middle Schools ANTI-BULLYING HOT LINE is now available for students, parents and grand parents who are concerned about bullying and the effects of bullying.

24 hours each day the hotline is a line of communication to work with children and their families to positively change the behavior of bullies and those it has affected.

If you are being bullied, know someone who is being bullied or know of a person or group who is bullying others, Click on one of the e-mail links below to report all incidents of bullying.

Dr. Castoro

Mr. Decker




What Are the Warning Signs?

Just as parents should watch for signs that their child has been the victim of a bully, parents should watch for signs that their child might be becoming a bully such as:

  • withdrawal from family, friends, and activities that were always pleasurable
  • Feelings of worthlessness, friendlessness
  • Physical or verbal aggression, i.e. pushing, hitting, or name-calling
  • Lack of sympathy for a child who has been hurt or teased
  • Lying
  • Lack of contact with other children, such as fewer invitations to join classmates' parties or games, and
  • Sudden possession of new toys, gadgets, or money that he or she bullied classmates into handing over


Some of the warning signs for bullies and their victims are similar, such as withdrawal from family and friends. The same methods of building “resilience” in a potential victim of bullying will work to help a child avoid becoming a bully. Helping a child find positive and acceptable ways to deal with anxiety, frustration, and anger can keep him or her from the emotional and social alienation that can deepen until the child lashes out in an extreme response.

peace-in-schools.jpg Video

A simple way to address bullying.

Click on this link and go to the Advice link for information regarding Bullying, home and community safety and more.
peace-in-schools.jpg Video

A simple way to address bullying.

Click on this link and go to the Advice link for information regarding Bullying, home and community safety and more.