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7th Grade

The objective of the seventh grade math curriculum is to continue previously learned problem solving skills as it relates to algebra, geometry, probability and statistics.  The focus is on preparing the students for the Math 7 Assessment to be given in March, as well as Integrated Algebra, the course all students will eventually take.  Topics for the 8th grade assessment will follow immediately after the assessment and will continue for the rest of the year.


There are currently two levels of seventh grade math.  They are designed to meet the needs of our students and vary in pace, not necessarily content.


Full Year - 5 periods per week



Accelerated Program


During seventh grade, a number of students are selected for the accelerated mathematics program based on level of mastery (unweighted test average of at least 88%) and teacher recommendations.  These students become eligible for placement in ninth grade regents level courses at the beginning of eighth grade.


The objective of this program is to provide students with the opportunity to take a fifth year of mathematics.  Students can take advanced placement courses, such as Calculus, in their senior year.


Eligible students are selected by a review process which includes their seventh grade mathematics teacher, guidance counselor, and the principal.


Full Year - 5 periods per week - 1 high school credit (if criteria are met)


7th Grade on-line textbook

In class you were given a username and password to access the website. Log on and see all that it has to offer - video tutorials, practice problems with answers, homework help, practice quizzes and lots more!

Explore the Textbook

Holt's middle school mathematics program gets results! A study conducted by the Educational Research Institute of America (ERIA) showed that students using Holt's middle school mathematics program consecutively for two years show significant improvement in performance on the Stanford Achievement Test Mathematics, 10th Edition (SAT 10). On average, these students score at least a full grade level ABOVE their peers.