Health and Wellness Education
Health and Wellness Education
The concept of health and wellness has received a great deal of publicity lately due in part to our rising health crisises in America. The obesity rate has risen to an astronimcial 1 in 3 adults in our country and the global health costs that accompany this epidemic are equally astronmical. Many of the unhealthy behaviors that carry over into our adulthood, were formed in our earlier years as children.
Health Education in the middle school is based on a comprehenisve, research and skills based curriculum that provides children with the necessary tools to make the choices in lifestyle that will lead to overall wellness in adulthood. Current health crisises are covered as well as what students can do today, to prevent them from being unhealthy in the future. An investment in our health, has unlimited returns and the earlier we start investing, the more returns we will benenfit from throughout our lives.
Our curriculum encompasses (but is not limited to) the following topics:
- Acheiving positive mental health
- Preventing substance use and abuse
- Healthy Nutrition and Food Safety
- Fitness for Life
- Fitness Testing and Monitoring
- Prevention of Disease and Chronic Health conditions
- Promoting Healthy Growth and Development
- Protecting Our Environment