Roaring 1920's Review
Key Terms:
Nineteenth Ammendment
Red Scare
KU Klux Klan
Comsumer Credit
Key People:
Henry Ford
Nicola Sacco
Warren Harding
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
Key Ideas:
1. How did the use of the Automobile change American Life"?
2. The widespread use of cars led to the growth of what other industries?
3. What new appiances made the life of American housewives easier?
4. What factors encouraged the Florida land boom of the 1920's?
5. What were the causes of the Great Depression?
6. Why so many banks in America fail after the crash of the stock market?
7. What were popular fads of the 1920's?
8. What groups in American society continued to struggle or face discrimination during the 1920's?