The Technology Staff:
Mr. Jim McLoughlin - 7th Grade
Mr. McLoughlin's Website
M.S. - Queens College - 2006 - Administration
M.S. - C.W. Post - 1994 - Educational Technology
B.S. - SUNY Oswego - 1990 - Technology Education
Began Teaching in 1990
Girls Middle School Volleyball Coach
Girls High School Volleyball Junior Varsity Coach
Middle School Swimming and Diving Coach
Mr. Jeff Goodman - 6th and 8th Grade
Mr. Goodman's Website
M.A. - SUNY Stonybrook - 2006
B.S. - SUNY Oswego - 2002 - Technology Education
Began Teaching in 2002
Yearbook Co-advisor
Mr. Kris Krol - 6th, 7th and 8th Grade
M.A. - SUNY Stonybrook – 2006
B.S. - SUNY Oswego - 2004 - Technology Education
Began Teaching in 2004
What is Technology?
Technology is the application of knowledge and resources to extend and enhance our human capabilities. Technology Education involves students with the human imagination, its engineered devices, tools, and processes, in order to build knowledge and skills.
As a school subject, Technology Education develops the technological literacy and capabilities of students. This curriculum focuses on the development and applications of technology, and the effect that technology has on people, society and the environment. The knowledge and skills learned are: 1) standards based; 2) broad and comprehensive; 3) derived from applications of technology in industry; and 4) interdependent with society.
The purpose of Technology Education is to provide the knowledge, competencies, skills, and opportunities for students to succeed in a technological society. It integrates skills from other content areas such as math, science, and language arts with the knowledge and skills unique to this content area. Social aspects, historical impacts, present conditions, and future implications are addressed in the teaching and learning environments. Technology Education simulates the workplace, including the cultural and social interactions that occur therein.