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World Languages

Modern Languages

Sayville offers World Languages to students beginning in the sixth grade. All students are introduced to French and Spanish. Students continue with either French or Spanish in seventh and eighth grade. The World Languages curriculum meets and exceeds the Checkpoint A level, focusing on the five “C” goal areas: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. The five organizing principles of the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages strive to attain the following goals:

  • Communication: Students will be able to converse and understand basic daily situations in the target language.
  • Cultures: Students will be able to appreciate what cultures have in common in order to promote national and international harmony.
  • Connections: Students will be able to understand that languages exist in concert and context with other subject areas such as mathematics and science.
  • Comparisons: Students will be able to compare and contrast his/her own native language and culture with that of the target culture to afford deeper insight into the world.
  • Communities: Students will benefit and enrich the quality of their lives in all professional and lifelong endeavors by the ability to speak a second language