Homework Clinic
Homework Clinic Procedures
Direct Phone Number to Contact the Library is: 631-244-6680
Listed here are the procedures and rules that all students must follow in order to utilize homework clinic services. Any violation of these procedures could prevent a child from utilizing these services.
- Students are required to sign-in on the attendance sheet. They should indicate on the attendance sheet, what assignment they will be working on during this time.
- Students must sign out and get a library pass when going to the bathroom. They may go with another student.
- Students must have permission to go to the computer area. They must sign in at the computer area. Only educational computer games are allowed.
- Written work must be done before using the computers.
- Computer use is at the teacher’s discretion.
- If students are leaving before 5:00 PM, they must have a note or be signed out by their parent.
- No food or drink is permitted in the library.
- If students take library books off of the shelves, they are to be placed on the cart when they are finished with them.
- Homework Clinic is a quite time to study and complete school assignments.
- Students must have permission to use cell phones to contact home.