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Middle School Homework Policy

Sayville Middle School Homework Policy


Students can expect to receive homework in each subject every night with the possible exception of Friday. Sometimes the homework will be written, other times it will be reading. However, there is always a need to review. Students should take several minutes to review their day’s work and notes in each subject. Total time spent doing their homework varies from individual to individual, but they should plan on a minimum of 1 to 1 ½ hours per night. We suggest all students use the student planner provided. We encourage parents to check it daily. We expect they will complete all their assignments on time to the best of their ability. Homework procedures are determined by each grade and classroom teacher in concert with District policy and are given to parents on open school night. If your youngster repeatedly states he/she has no homework, please contact the guidance office.


Class work and homework missed because of an absence should be made up as soon as possible. This is the students, not the teacher’s, responsibility. It is suggested that students obtain telephone numbers of fellow students in each class and that they be called when absences occur so that work can be made up. Students should also check their teachers’ website (if available) to find out what was missed and work that was assigned. If a student is going to be absent two or more days, you may telephone the attendance office to make arrangements to collect assignments. If you do this, please make sure to pick up the assignment as your child will be held accountable for the work the following day.


We strongly discourage removing students from school for family vacations. The missed classes and work are very difficult to make up and there is often a negative correlation to your child’s grades for that quarter. The absences are considered illegal and teachers are in no way obligated to supply your child with work that will be missed prior to an illegal absence – or allow your child to make up work and assessments that were missed when your child returns to school from an illegal absence.


8th Grade Homework Policy:

Students are expected to follow these guidelines when completing homework:

  • All assignments will be completed and turned in on time.
  • Assignments will have a complete heading, be organized, and be neatly done.
  • Homework missed due to an absence will be made up within a reasonable amount of time.
  • HW not completed on time receives a grade of zero. There is no opportunity to make up missed homework assignments.


7th Grade Homework Policy: 


Students are expected to follow these guidelines when completing homework:

  • All assignments will be completed and turned in on time.
  • Assignments will have a complete heading, be organized, and be neatly done.
  • Homework missed due to an absence will be made up within a reasonable amount of time.
  • At the teacher’s discretion, students may come 11th period THAT DAY to complete the missing assignment for a late grade which will allow them to earn back ½ credit on the assignment. Missing homework may not be completed prior to 11th period. 


6th Grade Homework Policy: 

Homework is a valuable aid in helping students make the most of their learning experiences in school.  By doing homework, students reinforce and apply what they have been taught in class, as well as prepare for upcoming assessments and new lessons. Setting aside time each day for homework helps students learn responsibility and independence while developing positive study habits that will stay with them throughout their education.                     

Daily homework assignments should take approximately 20 minutes per subject to complete except when studying for tests or working on a long-range project.  A student’s average is comprised of the following:  Tests count for 50%, Quizzes count for 30%, the non-graded homework average counts for 10%, and Preparation/Organization counts for 10%.  Be aware that homework assignments might be collected and graded, and when this happens, they will be counted as Quizzes. 

Preparation/Organization Average:   Students start each marking period with a grade of 100 for their Preparation/Organization averages.  All that has to be done to keep this grade is to come to class prepared with books, pencils/pens, eyeglasses, completed homework, and to keep notebooks organized.  If a student is unprepared for class, 10 points will be deducted from the Preparation/Organization average.  Notebooks may be collected and graded for a Preparation/Organization grade.

Homework Average:  Students are expected to follow these guidelines when completing homework:

  1. All assignments will be completed and turned in on time.
  2. Assignments will have a complete heading, be organized, and be neatly done.
  3. Homework missed due to an absence will be made up within a reasonable amount of time.

If a student chooses not to do a homework assignment, these consequences apply:

  1. Ten (10) points will be deducted from the student's Homework average for eachmissing or unacceptable assignment.          
  2. Students may come 11thperiod THAT DAY to complete the missing assignment for a late grade which will allow them to earn back 5 points on their Homework average.  Missing homework may not be completed prior to 11th period. 
  3. If the assignment was counted as a Quiz grade, the highest possible grade the student can receive after making up the assignment during 11thperiod is 75%. 

Remember that students should complete homework on their own.  Encourage your child to complete the assignments to the best of her/his ability.