How can my child keep up with work during an absence?
Check the homework calendar to see what your child has missed. If there are worksheets that your child will need, you can arrange to have all of your child's missed work collected in the attendance office. Simply call the attendance office before 10 a.m. and all of your child's teachers will be asked to return any missed work to the attendance office by 3 p.m. You can stop by the attendance office anytime after 3 p.m. to pick up your child's work.
This is strongly recommended if your child will be out for an extended amount of time.
What if my child misses only one class?
If a student misses a class during the day due to a music lesson, guidance appointment, a health office visit, or a main office visit, that student is REQUIRED to attend 11th period THAT DAY. to make up missed classwork.
What if my child spends an inordinate amount of time on homework?
It is common for students to feel overwhelmed with their new responsibilities and different types of assignments, which can make homework seem like an endless process. If you feel that this is happening to your child, limit the amount of time he/she spends on each assignment.
Set a timer for 15 minutes for each assignment. Keep a close watch on your child. At the end of 15 minutes, if he/she is still working, and you feel a real effort has been made to complete the work, simply write “15 minutes” and sign the bottom of the assignment or the assignment written in the planner.
Give your child a short break, then move on to the next subject.
After a week, your child should feel more comfortable and should be able to complete assignments in a timely fashion.
Who should I contact if I am concerned about my child's progress in school?
You can e-mail any of the Green Team teachers any time you have a concern about your child's progress in a specific class.
If you feel that your child is having general difficulties with school, you can contact the 6th Grade Guidance Counselor (631-244-6660) and schedule an appointment for a team meeting.