The Distance Between Us by Rayna Grande
At the age of 8, Reyna Grande made the dangerous and illegal trek across the border from Mexico to the United States, and discovered that the American Dream is much more complicated that it seemed.
Student review
This book was so interesting and I couldn't stop reading it.
I Will Always Write Back: how one letter changed two lives by Caitlin Alifirenka & Martin Ganda with Liz Welch
Chronicles the friendship between an American girl and her pen pal from Zimbabwe, discussing how a class assignment was the beginning of a correspondence that spanned six years and changed two lives.
Student review
I really liked this book. I read it as a class last year in 5th grade. I like how the book has it's ups and downs. One chapter could make me so happy with tears and the next I'm crying tears of sadness. The story brings a lot of emotions and hooks you so you have to read the rest, longing for more.
A Storm Too Soon by Michael J. Tougias
When a forty-seven-foot sailboat disappears in the Gulf Stream in the throes of a calamitous storm, it leaves behind three weary passengers struggling to stay alive afloat a life raft in violent waves 80 feet tall.
Student review
This book was very interesting and I had a great time reading it.
Lost in the Amazon : A Battle for Survival in the Heart of the Rainforest by Tod Olsen
Peru, Christmas Eve, 1970. It was supposed to be a routine flight, carrying 86 passengers across the Andes Mountains and home for the holiday. But high above the Amazon rainforest, a roiling storm engulfs the plane. Lightning strikes. A deafening whooshsweeps through the cabin. And suddenly, 17-year-old Juliane Koepcke is alone. The plane has vanished. She is strapped to her seat and plunging 3,500 feet to the forest floor. On Christmas Day, she wakes. She is injured, covered in mud, but strangely--miraculously--alive. And now, in a remote corner of the largest rainforest on Earth, the real battle for survival begins.
Student review
The book lost in the amazon rainforest is about a girl she was on a plane with her mom to come back from the holidays something happened to the I think this book is very good.
New York Times Book of World War I edited by Christine Bent
Compilation of articles that appeared in the New York times from 1914 through 1919.
Student review
Great book for experiencing just how long and grueling the First World War is. Packed with real articles from the time.
Beneath the Surface by John Hargrove
A firsthand account of the lives of captive killer whales by a former SeaWorld orca trainer and the star of "Blackfish" argues that their needs are not met in captivity and traces advocacy efforts comparing the lives of free and captive orcas. |
Student review
This book was about Sea World and how they treat the animals and how the trainers worked and if they liked it and talks about how captivity is bad for the animals.